Texas State Board of Education Experiences Dyslexia Simulation

Dedicated and concerned State Board of Education members learned first hand what it is like to experience dyslexia while navigating classroom expectations on July 17, 2014. Guided by the Dyslexia team from the Richardson Independent School District, and members of the Parents Dyslexia Education Group, several tasks were undertaken that mimic the labored reading, frustration and struggle our children with dyslexia experience daily. Following the simulation, members were debriefed by Director of Dyslexia, and educator Shannon Suess. Take-aways were the need for appropriate, early intervention and identification, as well as appropriately accommodating the learning differences experienced by students. Raising awareness through this powerful experience is something every member hoped for their own districts.

For many years, parents of PDEG have participated in this same simulation. Within our district, all staff are required to have this experience of dyslexia so that they are able to “connect the dots” in their classrooms, provide appropriate referrals for identification, and understand how to differentiate instruction, and implement accommodations for students as necessary. Learning first hand even just a little bit of the struggle and frustration of a learning different student with dyslexia can lead to understanding, growth, personal accountability and action.

Thank you to RISD’s staff, PDEG members, staff, and members of the Texas State Board of Education.

For more information about this experience, please contact info@parentsdyslexiaedgroup.org
We are happy to spread the message of this experience.

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